The development of kernel methods and hybrid evolutionary algorithms (HEAs) to support experts in energy forecasting is of great importance to improving the accuracy of the actions derived from an energy decision maker, and it is crucial that they are theoretically sound. In addition, more accurate or more precise energy demand forecasts are required when decisions are made in a competitive env…
This edited volume presents the research results of the Collaborative Research Center 1026 “Sustainable manufacturing - shaping global value creation”. The book aims at providing a reference guide of sustainable manufacturing for researchers, describing methodologies for development of sustainable manufacturing solutions. The volume is structured in four chapters covering the following topi…
The discovery of monolayer graphene led to a Nobel Prize in Physics being awarded in 2010. This has stimulated further research on a wide variety of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials. The coupling of metallic graphene, semiconducting 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and black phosphorus have attracted a tremendous amount of interest in new electronic and optoelectronic applicati…
Deficiencies in these areas may be remediated by advancements in structural health monitoring (SHM) technologies that provide sensing systems to automatically and economically diagnose structural integrity. In a sense, SHM technologies will help pave the way to intelligent structures that are able to detect damage by themselves and even warn occupants of any danger due to impending structural f…
This thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding of turbulent open channel flow, sediment erosion and sediment transport. The thesis provides an analysis of high-fidelity data from direct numerical simulation of (i) open channel flow over an array of fixed spheres, (ii) open channel flow with mobile eroding spheres, (iii) open channel flow with sediment transport of many mobile spheres.…
This book represents the first comprehensive textbook devoted to the standard of care, current guidelines and innovations in the field of mesenteric vascular disease. The book reviews imaging modalities, diagnostic work up, physiologic tests, traditional open surgical techniques and novel endovascular approaches. Technical aspects of both open surgical and endovascular techniques are provided b…
This comprehensive book provides in-depth knowledge and understanding of design rules according to Eurocode 5. It is based on the first edition of the STEP (Structural Timber Education Programme) series, which was prepared in 1995 by about 50 authors from 14 European countries. The present work updates and extends the STEP compilation and is aimed at students, structural engineers and other tim…
This volume contains peer-reviewed papers from the Fourth World Landslide Forum organized by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), the Global Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (IPL), University of Ljubljana (UL) and Geological Survey of Slovenia in Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 29 to June 2, 2017. The complete collection of papers from the Forum is publ…
This book collects 5 keynote and 15 topic lectures presented at the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 24 to 29, 2014. The conference was organized by the Turkish Earthquake Foundation - Earthquake Engineering Committee and Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency under the auspices of the European…
Energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies are key contributors to curtailing the emission of greenhouse gases that continue to cause global warming. The efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions also strongly affect electrical power systems. Renewable sources, storage systems, and flexible loads provide new system controls, but power system operators and utilities have to deal with their f…