As the ultimate information processing device, the brain naturally lends itself to being studied with information theory. The application of information theory to neuroscience has spurred the development of principled theories of brain function, and has led to advances in the study of consciousness, as well as to the development of analytical techniques to crack the neural code—that is, to un…
The editors of this Special Issue titled “Intelligent Control in Energy Systems” have attempted to create a book containing original technical articles addressing various elements of intelligent control in energy systems. In response to our call for papers, we received 60 submissions. Of those submissions, 27 were published and 33 were rejected. In this book, we offer the 27 accepted techni…
Hybrid quantum circuits interfacing rare earth spin ensembles with microwave resonators are a promising approach for application as coherent quantum memory and frequency converter. In this thesis, hybrid circuits based on Er and Nd ions doped into Y?SiO? and YAlO? crystals are investigated by optical and on-chip microwave spectroscopy. Coherent strong coupling between the microwave resonator an…
Hysteretic loss optimisations through numerical simulation and subsequent experimental confirmation in transport current and background field measurements: ferromagnetic shielding and topological geometry optimisation is used to reduce energy dissipation in HTS coated conductor geometries. Single tapes and coil geometries are investigated. A 3D model capable of taking into account contact resis…
While the universal quantum computer seems not in reach for the near future, this work focusses on analog quantum simulation of intriguing quantum models of light-matter interactions, with the goal of achieving a computational speed-up as compared to classical hardware. Existing building blocks of quantum hardware are used from superconducting circuits, that have proven to be a very suitable ex…
This work describes the experimental study of electron-boson interactions in superconductors by means of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy performed with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) at temperatures below 1 K. This new approach allows the direct measurement of the Eliashberg function of conventional superconductors as demonstrated on lead (Pb) and niobium (Nb). Preparative expe…
The photoinduced dynamics of radical precursors in solution were investigated by means of femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy assisted by quantum chemical calculations. The investigated systems show a wide range of excited state lifetimes ranging from tens of femtoseconds to nanoseconds. Thus, in the first case, on the investigated time scale the dynamics of the generated radicals can…
Microfabricated devices and systems capable of micromanipulation are well-suited for the manipulation of cells. These technologies are capable of a variety of functions, including cell trapping, cell sorting, cell culturing, and cell surgery, often at single-cell or sub-cellular resolution. These functionalities are achieved through a variety of mechanisms, including mechanical, electrical, mag…
Past research has comprehensively assessed the capabilities of satellite sensors operating at microwave frequencies, both active (SAR, scatterometers) and passive (radiometers), for the remote sensing of Earth’s surface. Besides brightness temperature and backscattering coefficient, microwave indices, defined as a combination of data collected at different frequencies and polarizations, revea…
André Röhm investigates the dynamic properties of two-state lasing quantum dot lasers, with a focus on ground state quenching. With a novel semi-analytical approach, different quenching mechanisms are discussed in an unified framework and verified with numerical simulations. The known results and experimental findings are reproduced and parameter dependencies are systematically studied. Add…