How “drowned town” literature, road movies, energy landscape photography, and “death train” narratives represent the brutality of industrial infrastructures. The open access edition of this book was made possible by generous funding from Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. In this book, Michael Truscello looks at the industrial infrastructure not as …
Carnival Texts comprises three related dramatic works, all of which have as their point of departure Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of carnival, a literary style designed to subvert dominant assumptions through chaos and humour. Making creative use of post-Brechtian performance theory, these texts blur the distinction between spectator and performer in a fascinating exploration of…
Manga Vision examines cultural and communicative aspects of Japanese comics, drawing together scholars from Japan, Australia and Europe working in areas as diverse as cultural studies, linguistics, education, music, art, anthropology, and translation, to explore the influence of manga in Japan and worldwide via translation, OEL manga and fan engagement. This volume includes a mix of theoretical…
In this book, which grew out of a landmark NMAI symposium in 1995, Native and non-Native scholars and museum professionals explore issues concerning the representation of Indians and their cultures by museums in North America. Traditional museum exhibitions of Native American art and culture often represented only the past, ignoring the living Native voice. Today, museums have begun to incorpor…
Serialized television drama (dianshiju), perhaps the most popular and influential cultural form in China, offers a wide, penetrating look at the tensions and contradictions of the post-revolutionary and pro-market period. Zhong Xueping's timely new work argues for recognizing the complexity of dianshiju's melodramatic mode and its various subgenres, in effect "refocusing" mainstream Chinese cul…
Technocrats of the Imagination traces the rise of collaborative art and technology labs in the U.S. from WWII to the present. Ryan Bishop and John Beck reveal the intertwined histories of the avant-garde art movement and the military-industrial complex, showing how radical pedagogical practices traveled from Germany’s Bauhaus movement to the U.S. art world and interacted with government-funde…
Today more than ever before, the historical witness is now a “museum objectâ€_x009d_ in the form of video interviews with individuals remembering events of historical importance. Such video testimonies now not only are part of the collections and research activities of museums, but become deeply intertwined with narrative and exhibit design. With a focus on Holocaust museums, this stud…
This book presents, for the first time, the unpublished manuscripts of Lars Hörmander, written between 1951 and 2007. Hörmander himself organised the manuscripts and also wrote the notes explaining their origins, presenting the material in the form he fully intended it to be published in. As his daughter, Sofia Broström, mentions in the Foreword, towards the end of his life, Hörmander "care…
Please view this book as a source of knowledge but know that every director you meet both good and bad you will learn from. Your journey is never over and the goal of any artist should be to take the lessons of the past, learn from your own experience, and transform your understanding into a unique approach that will change the future of the artform. This is my gift to you as you are the future…
Devised theatre is a method of theatre-making in which the script or (if it is a predominantly physical work) performance score originates from collaborative, often improvisatory work by a performing ensemble. The ensemble is typically made up of actors, but other categories of theatre practitioner may also be central to this process of generative collaboration, such as visual artists, composer…