This book, the second of two volumes on the Gentianaceae, is devoted to aspects of biotechnology and their applications. It consists of 18 chapters and covers micropropagation by means of organogenesis or somatic embryogenesis, and single cell manipulation of various species belonging to the horticultural genera Blakstonia, Centaurium, Gentiana, Gentianalla and Swertia. Furthermore, the applica…
The book raises semiotic questions of human–animal relations: what is the semiotic character of different species, how humans endow animals with meaning, and how animal sign exchange and communication has coped with environmental change. The book takes a zoosemiotic approach and considers different species as being integrated with the environment via their specific umwelt or subjective percep…
Populasi manusia meningkat dengan laju yang mengkhawatirkan dan diperkirakan akan mencapai 11 miliar pada tahun 2050. Karena terdapat kesenjangan yang besar antara pertumbuhan populasi dan produksi pangan, ketahanan pangan untuk populasi yang terus meningkat menjadi tantangan besar di masa kini dan masa depan. Faktanya, dalam dua dekade mendatang, produksi pangan harus digandakan dengan lahan p…
With the centenary of the First World War, communities across Canada arranged commemorations of the war experience to honour local servicemen who, through their triumphs and sacrifices, were presented as laying the foundation for a free and independent country. Often overlooked are the triumphs and sacrifices of those who supported those soldiers, and the war effort in general, back at home. Th…
The book discusses new algorithms capable of searching for, tracking, mapping and providing a visualization of invisible substances. It reports on the realization of a bacterium-inspired robotic controller that can be used by an agent to search for any environmental spatial function such as temperature or pollution. Using the parameters of a mathematical model, the book shows that it is possibl…
This book addresses critical issues in today’s logistics operations and supply chain management, with a special focus on sustainability. In dedicated chapters the authors address aspects concerning multimode logistics operations, reverse network configuration, forward and reverse supply chain integration, improvement of the production operations and management of the recovery activities, as w…
This textbook describes the basic principles of induced organ regeneration in skin and peripheral nerves and extends the original successful paradigm to other organs. A set of trans-organ rules is established and its use in regeneration of several organs is illustrated from the works of several independent investigators who worked with a variety of organs, such as the lung, the bladder, and the…
This book covers the fundamentals of tissue engineering for the heart, starting with the basics of organ generation, sensors in tissue and organ fabrication, and the current state-of-the-art in stem cell engineering for the heart. With this foundation in place, the remaining chapters focus on specific aspects of the cardiovascular system, starting with heart muscle, then biological pumps, follo…
Applied Environmental Biotechnology: Present Scenario and Future Trends is designed to serve as a reference book for students and researchers working in the area of applied environmental science. It presents various applications of environmental studies that involve the use of living organisms, bioprocesses engineering technology, and other fields in solving environmental problems like waste an…
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries commonly experienced by football (soccer) players. It will be of particular value for orthopedists and sports medicine practitioners, and will provide the information required by trainers and medical staff regarding the traumatic lesions associated with the sport. It is also ant…