This open access book explores the intersection of property law, relocation, and resettlement processes in the United States and among communities that grapple with migration as an adaptation strategy. As communities face the prospect of relocating because of rising seas, policy makers, disaster specialists, and community leaders are scrambling to understand what adaptation pathways are legally…
This open access book examines regulating an environment that has no jurisdiction, is fully anonymous and infinitely vast? Welcome to the Metaverse, an online virtual reality that is expected to add billions to the global economy. The Metaverse offers a new type of virtual economy with practically endless business opportunities. The question is how to prevent these opportunities from being abus…
Daten verfügen als digitale Güter über enormes Innovationspotential. Die Möglichkeit der Patentierung von Daten ist jedoch bisher weitgehend unerforscht. Ausgehend von einem patentrechtlich definierten Datenbegriff entwickelt Dr. jur. Fabian Landscheidt in diesem Open-Access-Buch daher praxistaugliche, verfassungskonforme und mit der aktuellen Entscheidungspraxis der deutschen und europäis…
How, beginning in the mid 1960s, the US semiconductor industry helped shape changes in American science, including a new orientation to the short-term and the commercial. Since the mid 1960s, American science has undergone significant changes in the way it is organized, funded, and practiced. These changes include the decline of basic research by corporations; a new orientation toward the short…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch beschäftigt sich der Universitätsmediziner, Manager und Gesundheitswissenschaftler Sandro Lorenz mit der Zufriedenheit von Patientinnen und Patienten in der Prämedikationsambulanz einer großen deutschen Universitätsklinik. Ein zusätzlicher Fokus liegt auf der präoperativen Angst im Vorfeld einer Narkose bzw. Operation. Der Autor plädiert dafür, dass diese zun…
The book analyzes socioeconomic through the lens of a lawyer. In the past decade the world has witnessed some severe financial and economic crises, especially the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author states that the socio-economic order has in the past four to five decades been thoroughly redesigned, generally favouring models that priorit…
A proposal for a philosophical foundation and a realistic deliberative mechanism for creating a transnational common law for the environment.In Global Democracy and Sustainable Jurisprudence, Walter Baber and Robert Bartlett explore the necessary characteristics of a meaningful global jurisprudence, a jurisprudence that would underpin international environmental law. Arguing that theories of po…
Tolba had as much insight into, and influence on, the development of international environmental policy as anyone. In this book, he tells the story of the negotiations that led to a number of landmark agreements, such as the Vienna Convention on Ozone and its Montreal Protocol, the Basel Convention on Hazardous Wastes, and the Biodiversity Convention. The book stands as the legacy of an importa…
Holly Fernandez Lynch presents a balanced proposal that protects both a patient's access to care and a physician's ability to refuse to provide certain services for reasons of conscience.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.