This textbook provides an introduction to the free software Python and its use for statistical data analysis. It covers common statistical tests for continuous, discrete and categorical data, as well as linear regression analysis and topics from survival analysis and Bayesian statistics. Working code and data for Python solutions for each test, together with easy-to-follow Python examples, can …
In the present volume numerous descriptions of Ram accelerators are presented. These descriptions provide good overview on the progress made and the present state of the Ram accelerator technology worldwide. In addition, articles describing light gas gun, ballistic range including a chapter dealing with shock waves in solids are given. Along with the technical description of considered facilit…
Buku ini, berjudul Pengerahan Tenaga Manual yang Dirasakan di Laboratorium, Dari Praktik Standar hingga Aplikasi Kontemporer, berfungsi sebagai angsuran ketiga dari karya Robert Robertson. Itu ditulis bersama dengan dua mahasiswa doktoralnya, Luke Haile dan Michael Gallagher. Saat buku ini mulai diterbitkan, kita mendekati tahun ke-50 penelitian pengerahan tenaga yang dirasakan di Amerika Serik…
This book details the relationships between microstructure, interface roughness, and properties of thermal barrier coatings. The author proposes a method for the reduction of the thermal conductivity of the ceramic layer in order to increase the lifetime of thermal barrier coatings. He includes models for the optimization of ceramic layer microstructure and interface roughness
The book summarizes Ting Lei?s PhD study on a series of novel conjugated polymers for field-effect transistors (FETs). Studies contain many aspects of polymer FETs, including backbone design, side-chain engineering, property study, conformation effects and device fabrication. The research results have previously scattered in many important journals and conferences worldwide. The book is likely …
Menyimpan semua informasi yang relevan di ujung jari Anda di bidang seluas pediatri merupakan tugas yang penting dan cukup banyak yang harus dikelola. Ditambah dengan jadwal sibuk sebagian besar dokter dan calon dokter yang menjalankan praktik atau studi kedokteran, kehidupan keluarga, dan berbagai kewajiban pribadi dan profesional lainnya, dan itu bisa menjadi hal yang menakutkan. Apakah Anda …
Saya merasa terhormat dan senang mempersembahkan dalam waktu singkat hanya 2 tahun, edisi ke-2 yang diperbarui dan diperluas ini. Buku ini memiliki ukuran, bab, dan kepenulisan yang berlipat ganda, terutama dengan perluasan kontribusi yang signifikan dari para pemimpin internasional. Para penulis ini merupakan pionir dalam bidang keahliannya, baik di Amerika Serikat maupun di luar negeri, tidak…
Overview: This collection is intended to provide instructors with a wide variety of nonfiction examples of good writing that they can use to teach composition.
The book reports on the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, held on 9 – 13 September, 2013, in Uddevalla, Sweden. The event, which was jointly organized by the Competence Centre Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC) and the Departments of Applied Mechanics and Applied Acoustics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, covered a broad range of topics in the field of…
This book covers key topics in the field of intelligent ambient adaptive systems. It focuses on the results worked out within the framework of the ATRACO (Adaptive and TRusted Ambient eCOlogies) project. The theoretical background, the developed prototypes, and the evaluated results form a fertile ground useful for the broad intelligent environments scientific community as well as for industria…