This book focuses on sports performance. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, "performance" refers to "how well or badly a person, company etc. does a particular job or activity" and "high performance" describes "cars, computers etc. that are able to go faster, do more work etc. than normal ones". In the 100-m dash Usain Bolt is indubitably the fastest person in history …
This book focuses on (1) sports management, (2) sports economics and policy, and (3) sports humanities. The fact that sports humanities is a part of the sports management education program means that a person with extensive knowledge—not only business-related comprehension but also acquaintance with art-related fields, such as the humanities and law—will play a central role in sports manage…
This book presents the incidence of sports-related injuries, the types of injuries specific to particular sports, and the importance of factors such as age and gender. Possible injury mechanisms and risk factors are presented based on an analysis involving recent scientific findings. A variety of sports are included to allow the reader to better generalize the results as well as to apply approp…
Cementitious materials are being widely used as solidification/stabilisation and barrier materials for a variety of chemical and radioactive wastes, primarily due to their favourable retention properties for metals, radionuclides and other contaminants. The retention properties result from various mineral phases in hydrated cement that possess a high density and diversity of reactive sites for …
This book is intended for readers who already have knowledge of devices and circuits for radio-frequency (RF) and microwave communication and are ready to study the systems engineering-level aspects of modern radio communications systems. The authors provide a general overview of radio systems with their components, focusing on the analog parts of the system and their non-idealities. Based on t…
This book presents an innovative methodology for identifying optimum investment strategies in the power industry. To do so, it examines results including, among others, the impact of oxy-fuel technology on CO2 emissions prices, and the specific cost of electricity production. The technical and economic analysis presented here extend the available knowledge in the field of investment optimizati…
Informatika Biomedis Pediatrik, Aplikasi Komputer dalam Penelitian Pediatrik. Aplikasi untuk Pediatri: Menggunakan Informatika untuk Memfasilitasi, Mengoptimalkan, dan Mempersonalisasi Perawatan Saya lahir sebelum komputer elektronik ada. Dua alat utama dari tahun-tahun awal pendidikan saya adalah slide rule dan mesin tik. Sama seperti saya muncul dari pelatihan klinis sebagai ahli jantung ped…
Hyper Bio Assembler for Cellular Systems is the first book to present a new methodology for measuring and separating target cells at high speed and constructing 3D cellular systems in vitro. This book represents a valuable resource for biologists, biophysicists and robotic engineers, as well as researchers interested in this new frontier area, offering a better understanding of the measurement,…
The past 30 years bear witness to a profound evolution in our ability to diagnose pediatric cancers. What were once common diagnostic dilemmas are now routinely categorized with the help of ancillary tests such as immunohistochemistry, fl uorescence in situ hybridization, and a myriad of molecular diagnostics tools. We are now moving into an unprecedented new realm wherein personalized medicin…
This open textbook is created to accompany the course ENGL114 - Critical Reading and Response at Bay Path University.