This book presents recent research in the recognition of vulnerabilities of national systems and assets which gained special attention for the Critical Infrastructures in the last two decades. The book concentrates on R & D activities in the relation of Critical Infrastructures focusing on enhancing the performance of services as well as the level of security. The objectives of the book are bas…
This book describes a new computational approach to creativity. With chess as the domain of investigation, the authors show experimentally how a computer can be imbued with the 'spark' of creativity that enables it to compose chess problems or puzzles that are both challenging and aesthetically appealing to humans. This new approach called the Digital Synaptic Neural Substrate (DSNS) mimics the…
This book focuses on learner-computer interactions (LCI) in second language learning environments drawing largely on sociocultural theories of language development. It brings together a rich and varied range of theoretical discussions and applications in order to illustrate the way in which LCI can enrich our comprehension of technology-mediated communication, hence enhancing learners' digital …
Bermain-main dengan Resonansi; Sebuah Ajakan untuk Mencari Solusi Periodik Persamaan Diferensial Biasa Orde Dua. Resonansi adalah konsep yang sering muncul di berbagai bidang ilmu dan teknik, termasuk fisika, matematika, teknik, dan musik. Ini mengacu pada fenomena di mana sebuah sistem memiliki frekuensi alami atau getaran yang sesuai dengan frekuensi pemicu eksternal, yang menghasilkan respon…
This is the first book solely devoted to Cryopedology, the study of soils of cold regions. The analysis treats Cryosols as a three-part system (active layer, transition layer, permafrost). The book considers soil-forming factors, cryogenic processes, and classification and distribution of Cryosols. Cryosols of the Arctic, Antarctica, and the high mountains are considered in detail. The chapters…
This book is a first step toward a serious reassessment of the mostly unspoken theoretical and aesthetic premises underlying auteur theory.
This open access book examines different aspects of smart cities, including technology, urban development, sustainable development, finance, and privacy and data protection. It also covers a wide range of jurisdictions in Asia-Pacific: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The book consists of two main parts. The first part includes general chapters that conceptualiz…
Commercial theatre is thriving across Europe and the UK, while public theatre has suffered under changing patterns of cultural consumption—as well as sharp reductions in government subsidies for the arts. At a time when the rationale behind these subsidies is being widely reexamined, it has never been more important for public theatre to demonstrate its continued merit. In Resetting the Stage…
"What if all works of art were better understood as functioning apparatuses, entangling their human audiences in experiences of becoming? What if certain works of art were even able to throw the brakes on becoming altogether, making nothings rather than somethings? What would be the ethical value of making nothing, of stalling becoming; and how might such nothings even be made? Some Ways of Mak…
This highly informative book explores the world of Post-Soeharto Indonesian audio-visual media in the exiting era of Reform. From a multidisciplinary approach it considers a wide variety of issues such as mainstream and alternative film practices, ceremonial and independent film festivals, film piracy, history and horror, documentary, television soaps, and Islamic films, as well as censorship f…