This book presents a broad overview of the current state of knowledge regarding the Red Sea, from its geological formation and oceanographic development to the environmental influences on its ecology and the changes it is experiencing due to the rapid development of its coastlines and role as one of the world’s major transport routes. The book gathers invited contributions from researchers wi…
The purpose of this book is to present the principles of alternative investments in management. The individual chapters provide a detailed analysis of various classes of alternative investments on the financial market. Despite many different definitions of alternative investments, it can be assumed that a classical approach to alternative investments includes hedge funds, fund of funds (FOF), m…
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 8.1 Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling held in November 2015 in Valencia, Spain. The PoEM conference series started in 2008 and aims to provide a forum sharing knowledge and experiences between the academic community and practitioners from industry and the public sector. The 23 short papers accepted were carefully revi…
This inclusive work presents a comprehensive update on vaccines for the international traveller. In over 21 chapters, written by leading writers in travel medicine from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, vaccinology for travel is explained in accessible terms with a focus on practical information. An initial introduction to immunology proceeds into common travel-related diseases and a ris…
This text is directed at every student of medicine regardless of level of training or specialty ambitions. Without imparting any education in medicine per se, each chapter teaches the prospective medical trainee the art of being a physician. The reader will be convinced early on, that there is more to being a good doctor than medical school didactics. They will learn what residency admission ch…
This book explains, compares and evaluates the social and legal functions of adoption within a range of selected jurisdictions and on an international basis. It updates and extends the second edition published by Springer in 2009. From a standpoint of the development of adoption in England & Wales and the changes currently taking place there, it considers the process as it has evolved in other …
Judul "Kebijakan, Profesionalisasi, Privatisasi, dan Penilaian Kinerja" menunjukkan eksplorasi yang komprehensif terhadap interaksi dan hubungan di antara keempat elemen kunci ini: 1. Kebijakan: Hal ini mungkin mengacu pada pengembangan, implementasi, dan dampak kebijakan dalam konteks tertentu, yang dapat berupa negara, industri, atau organisasi. Analisis dan evaluasi kebijakan dapat menjadi…
Judul "Kebijakan, Geofilosofi, dan Pendidikan" menunjukkan topik atau tema potensial yang dapat dieksplorasi dalam konteks akademis atau penelitian. Masing-masing elemen ini memiliki makna dan hubungan yang spesifik: 1. Kebijakan: Hal ini mungkin mengacu pada studi, analisis, dan perumusan kebijakan, yang dapat mencakup berbagai domain seperti kebijakan pemerintah, kebijakan organisasi, atau ke…
Buku ini membahas persinggungan antara globalisasi, peminjaman kebijakan, dan reformasi pendidikan. Dengan menggunakan sintesis dari berbagai literatur yang diambil dari pendidikan dan disiplin ilmu lainnya, saya berfokus pada proses reformasi pendidikan di dunia yang mengglobal. Dengan menekankan perspektif kritis yang menyoroti dominasi geopolitik negara-negara 'maju' di kawasan Utara, buku i…
Proses titik poisson dan proses Markov adalah konsep dasar dalam teori probabilitas dan proses stokastik. Proses titik poisson adalah jenis proses penghitungan yang menggambarkan kejadian acak dari peristiwa dalam waktu atau ruang yang berkelanjutan. Di sisi lain, proses Markov adalah proses stokastik di mana keadaan sistem di masa depan hanya bergantung pada keadaan saat ini, dan bukan pada se…