This open access textbook aims at providing detailed explanations on how to design and construct image analysis workflows to successfully conduct bioimage analysis. Addressing the main challenges in image data analysis, where acquisition by powerful imaging devices results in very large amounts of collected image data, the book discusses techniques relying on batch and GPU programming, as w…
This open access book gathers authoritative contributions concerning multiscale problems in biomechanics, geomechanics, materials science and tribology. It is written in memory of Sergey Grigorievich Psakhie to feature various aspects of his multifaceted research interests, ranging from theoretical physics, computer modeling of materials and material characterization at the atomic scale, to app…
This open access textbook focuses on the various aspects of radiobiology. The goal of radiobiological research is to better understand the effects of radiation exposure at the cellular and molecular levels in order to determine the impact on health. This book offers a unique perspective, by covering not only radiation biology but also radiation physics, radiation oncology, radiotherapy, radioch…
This open access book presents the findings from on-site research into radioactive cesium contamination in various agricultural systems affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011. This fourth volume in the series reports on studies undertaken at contaminated sites such as farmland and forests, focusing on soil, water, mountain, agricultural products, and animal…
Sebuah eksplorasi perubahan ilmiah dan sosial yang luas yang dimungkinkan oleh kemajuan dalam bioteknologi molekuler. Sepanjang sejarah, kita telah memilih dan memanipulasi genom tumbuhan, hewan, dan bahkan diri kita sendiri. Namun, hingga saat ini, kontrol tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada tingkat keseluruhan organisme. Kemajuan ilmiah dan teknologi kini memungkinkan kita untuk memanipulasi …
This is a survey of how engineering techniques from control and systems theory can be used to help biologists understand the behaviour of cellular systems.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
Tesis ini melaporkan perkembangan mikroskop kuantum pertama yang disempurnakan dan aplikasinya dalam mikroskopi biologis. Mikroskop pelacak partikel kuantum pertama, yang dijelaskan secara rinci di sini, merupakan kemajuan perintis dalam mikroskopi kuantum, yang terbukti menjadi teknik yang kuat dan relevan untuk aplikasi masa depan dalam sains dan kedokteran. Mikroskop digunakan untuk melakuka…
An overview of the methodologies and techniques of the emerging field of systems biology.The emerging field of systems biology involves the application of experimental, theoretical, and modeling techniques to the study of biological organisms at all levels, from the molecular, through the cellular, to the behavioral. Its aim is to understand biological processes as whole systems instead of as i…
Penyakit manusia telah menjadi masalah yang paling memprihatinkan sejak dimulainya penelitian ilmiah. Baik penelitian dasar maupun penelitian terapan, semuanya bertujuan untuk memenuhi satu keingintahuan manusia, yaitu pencapaian hidup sehat dan bebas penyakit. Memang benar, kita berada di era di mana banyak penyakit yang dianggap mematikan sudah tidak ada lagi, namun kita masih harus menempuh …
"Scientific biography of Salvador Luria, Nobel-prize-winning biologist, activist, and MIT professor"--OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.