The relationship of participation in online communities to civic and political engagement. Young people today have grown up living substantial portions of their lives online, seeking entertainment, social relationships, and a place to express themselves. It is clear that participation in online communities is important for many young people, but less clear how this translates into civic or poli…
This book is about the longevity of digital surrogates of historical photographs. The preservation of digital photos is considered in the context of long-term access to digital objects in general. There is a general view among archivists, librarians and museum professionals that analogue originals and their digital counterparts are closely related. The features of a digital surrogate, such as a…
The Use of Computer Algebra Systems in Calculus Teaching: Principles and Sample Applications
Amperometric biosensors are widely used in point-of-care medical devices that help patients control blood glucose and cholesterol levels in an effective and convenient way. On the other hand, computer-aided technologies for biosensor design remain an actively developing field. In this chapter, we present a computational model for biosensor design that uses a reaction-diffusion equation. We have…