"One of the most influential, and perhaps surprising,developments in environmental policy in recent decades is the idea that we can protect the environment from the negative impacts of economic development by making environmental protection itself more economic. The goal is to reduce environmental harm not by preventing it, but by pricing it. Using stream mitigation banking, that is the market …
This book provides an integrated analysis of the methodologies and main processes occurring at the entire river basin, from upstream until the coast, by merging the biological and hydrological processes with the social and economic components, thus providing an integrated framework for river basin management, integrating the ecohydrology approach with the ecosystem services concept.
Arthropods play an important role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, provide livelihoods and nutrition to human communities, and are important indicators of environmental change. Yet the population trends of several arthropods species show them to be in decline. Arthropods constitute a dominant group with 1.2 million species influencing earth’s biodiversity. Among arthropods, insects ar…
Arthropods are invertebrates that constitute over 90% of the animal kingdom, and their bio-ecology is closely linked with global functioning and survival. Arthropods play an important role in maintaining the health of ecosystems, provide livelihoods and nutrition to human communities, and are important indicators of environmental change. Yet the population trends of several arthropods specie…