Dieses Open-Access-Buch bietet eine Einführung in den Identitätskonflikt zwischen Verteidigern und Entdeckern. Basierend auf einer Studie mit 5000 Befragten aus vier europäischen Ländern zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Verteidiger und Entdecker im Hinblick auf ihre Zugehörigkeitskonzepte und das Ausmaß wahrgenommener Bedrohung durch Muslime und Geflüchtete unterscheiden. Differenzen zwisch…
This open-access book is the first to investigate the roots of Logical Empiricism in the context of the Life Reform and the German Youth Movements. Rudolf Carnap and Hans Reichenbach are the key protagonists; they both belonged to the German Youth Movement and developed their early philosophical views in this setting. By combining scholarly essays with unpublished and hard to access manuscripts…
Historicizing both emotions and politics, this open access book argues that the historical work of emotion is most clearly understood in terms of the dynamics of institutionalization. This is shown in twelve case studies that focus on decisive moments in European and US history from 1800 until today. Each case study clarifies how emotions were central to people’s political engagement and its …
'At a historic moment, when religion shows all its social and political strength in various post-modern societies around our globe, this fascinating collection of studies from the Middle Ages to twentieth-century Europe demonstrates all the richness and innovative force of investigating individual and shared experiences when questioning the cultural, political and social place of religion in so…
This open access book explores the organization and evolution of Finland’s Cold War cultural diplomacy (1945-1975) as the basis for a reflection on the country’s foreign relations, the link between culture and politics, small states’ autonomy during the Cold War, and the porosity of the East-West divide. The book offers a historical survey of the development of Finland’s cultural dip…
This open access book offers a new account on the legal conflict between privacy and trade in the digital sphere. It develops a fundamental rights theory with a new right to continuous protection of personal data and explores the room for the application of this new right in trade law. Replicable legal analysis and practical solutions show the way to deal with cross-border data flows without vi…
This open access book explores the role of continuity in political processes and practices during the Age of Revolutions. It argues that the changes that took place in the years around 1800 were enabled by different types of continuities across Europe and in the Americas. With historians of modernity tending to emphasise the rise of the new, scholarship has leaned towards an assumption that exi…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch behandelt die Frage, wie und warum es dazu kommt, dass Menschen schwere islamistische Gewalttaten, etwa in Form terroristischer Anschläge oder gewaltsamer Hasskriminalität, in Westeuropa begehen wollen. Das im Rahmen des Buches entwickelte Erklärungsmodell nähert sich der Beantwortung dieser Frage in zwei Schritten: erstens wird erklärt, wie und warum Menschen über…
This open access book is the product of three years of academic research that has been carried out in the EU-funded Jean Monnet Network on “Post-Truth Politics, Nationalism and the Delegitimation of European Integration” since 2019. Drawing on the multidisciplinary expertise of the network’s members, the book explores the impact of the phenomenon of post-truth politics on European integra…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch befasst sich mit der Einstellung der bayerischen Militärführung in Hinblick auf die Rezeption als auch Adaption technischer Innovation bzw. deren ersten praktischen Anwendung im Krieg von 1866. Das 19. Jahrhundert stellte das bayerische Königreich vor mehrere Herausforderungen. Die militärische Partizipation an den Napoleonischen Kriegen endete zwar erfolgreich…