Genetic programming is a domain-independent method for automatic programming that evolves computer programs that solve, or approximately solve, problems. Starting with a primordial ooze of thousands of randomly created computer programs composed of functions and terminals appropriate to a problem, a population of programs is progressively evolved over many generations using the Darwinian princi…
"A Bradford book."March 1-3, 1995, San Diego, California Evolutionary programming is one of the predominate algorithms withing the rapidly expanding field of evolutionary computation. These edited contributions to the Fourth Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming are by leading scientists from academia, industry, and defense. The papers describe both the theory and practical application …
"A Bradford book.""This book explores a central issue in artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and artificial life: how to design information structures and processes that create and adapt intelligent agents through evolution and learning." "The book is organized around four topics: the power of evolution to determine effective solutions to complex tasks, mechanisms to make evolutionary d…