This open access book addresses challenges related to women in STEM in higher education, presenting research, experiences, studies, and good practices associated with the engagement, access, and retention of women in the STEM disciplines. It also discusses strategies implemented by universities and policymakers to reduce the existing gender gap in these areas. The chapters provide an overview o…
#GamAni: Jewish Women Find Their Voices -- #MosqueToo: Muslim Women Moving Mountains -- In Christ, We Pray, Amen
Perdebatan tentang gender terjadi di mana-mana. Apakah itu identitas batin, fakta biologis, atau sistem yang menindas? Haruskah kita menghormatinya atau menolaknya? What Even Is Gender? mengalihkan pembicaraan ke arah yang baru, dengan menyatakan bahwa perdebatan ini berlandaskan pada kesalahan bersama: gagasan bahwa ada satu hal yang disebut "gender" yang diperdebatkan oleh kedua belah pihak. …
Revisualising Intersectionality offers transdisciplinary interrogations of the supposed visual evidentiality of categories of human similarity and difference. This open-access book incorporates insights from social and cognitive science as well as psychology and philosophy to explain how we visually perceive physical differences and how cognition is fallible, processual, and dependent on who is…
This open access book focuses on Albanian internal and international female migration and places gender at the heart of postsocialist transformation. It explores the vulnerabilities that arise for female citizens from the contradictory policies produced by the Albanian state. By illuminating the intersection of gender and migration, it shows how Albanian women are likely to embed themselves in …
Male-dominated law and legal knowledge essentially characterized the whole of pre-modern history in that the patriarchy represented the axis of social relations in both the private and public spheres. Indeed, modern and even contemporary law still have embedded elements of patriarchal heritage, even in the secular modern legal systems of Western developed countries, either within the content of…
Buku ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana kesetaraan gender, bagian utama dari imajinasi Nordik, digunakan dalam komunikasi politik negara-negara Nordik. Analisis yang disajikan bergerak melampaui citra dan wacana konvensional tentang keramahan gender dan perempuan Nordik dengan menyelidiki secara kritis bagaimana dan sejauh mana kesetaraan gender melayani pencitraan bangsa di wilayah Nordik. Pencitraa…
Universitas yang Sensitif Gender mengeksplorasi kekuatan yang ada yang menjadi kendala dalam mendorong universitas yang peka gender, yang meliputi munculnya gerakan sayap kanan yang berupaya menumbangkan kemajuan menuju kesetaraan gender dan manajerialisme yang mendorong korporatisme yang merayap. Buku ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran akan kesetaraan gender dan kepekaan gender sangat penting unt…
This open access book examines the conversations around gendered mental health in contemporary Western media culture. While early 21st century-media was marked by a distinct focus on happiness, productivity and success, during the 2010s negative feelings and discussions around mental health have become increasingly common in that same media landscape. This book traces this turn to sadness in wo…