"This book is about the neuroendocrine brain - about the hypothalamus, the seat of our passions, and about the control that this small structure exerts on our physiology and behavior. The hypothalamus contains a vast diversity of neuronal types, and these signal not only though conventional messengers but by a wide range of other signals, many of which act as hormones within the brain. Behavior…
Hormon tanaman asam salisilat (SA), jasmonat (JA), etilen (ET), asam absisat (ABA), auksin (AUX), sitokinin (CK), giberelin (GA), dan brassinosteroid (BR) berperan penting dalam sistem pensinyalan antar sel dan sistemik yang memicu ekspresi berbagai gen yang responsif terhadap pertahanan. Sistem pensinyalan SA-JA-ET dianggap sebagai tulang punggung sistem pensinyalan kekebalan tanaman, sedangka…
Watch the next lesson: https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/nclex-rn/rn-reproductive-system-physiology/rn-reproductive-system/v/basics-of-egg-development?utm_source=YT&utm_medium=Desc&utm_campaign=Nclex-rn Missed the previous lesson? https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/nclex-rn/rn-reproductive-system-physiology/rn-reproductive-system/v/spermatogenesis?utm_source=YT&utm_medium=Desc&utm_cam…