"In Biopolitical Screens, Pasi V?aliaho charts and conceptualizes the imagery that composes our affective and conceptual reality under twenty-first-century capitalism. V?aliaho investigates the role screen media play in the networks that today harness human minds and bodies--the ways that images animated on console game platforms, virtual reality technologies, and computer screens capture human…
The transformation of images in the age of new media and the digital revolution.Digital images are an integral part of all media, including television, film, photography, animation, video games, data visualization, and the Internet. In the digital world, spectators become navigators wending their way through a variety of interactive experiences, and images become spaces of visualization with mo…
"A Bradford book."Kosslyn (psychology, Harvard U.) presents a 20-year research program on the nature of high-level vision and mental imagery -- offering his research as a definitive resolution of the long-standing "imagery debate," which centers on the nature of the internal representation of visual mental imagery. He combines insights and empirical results from computer vision, neurobiology, a…
"A Bradford book."Creative Cognition combines original experiments with existing work in cognitive psychology to provide the first explicit account of the cognitive processes and structures that contribute to creative thinking and discovery.Creative Cognition combines original experiments with existing work in cognitive psychology to provide the first explicit account of the cognitive processes…