Pertama, siapa audiens yang dituju? Saya pikir saya berbicara kepada orang-orang yang merupakan peneliti aktif di beberapa bidang matematika atau fisika atau sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk itu. Juga, mereka bukan ahli dalam topik judul dan ingin mempelajari sesuatu tentangnya. Sebagai saya sendiri yang bukan ahli, saya merasa memenuhi syarat untuk mengetahui apa yang perlu diketahui oleh non-a…
This book shows cognitive scientists in training how mathematics, computer science and science can be usefully and seamlessly intertwined. It is a follow-up to the first two volumes on mathematics for cognitive scientists, and includes the mathematics and computational tools needed to understand how to compute the terms in the Fourier series expansions that solve the cable equation. The latter …
This book provides a self-study program on how mathematics, computer science and science can be usefully and seamlessly intertwined. Learning to use ideas from mathematics and computation is essential for understanding approaches to cognitive and biological science. As such the book covers calculus on one variable and two variables and works through a number of interesting first-order ODE model…
The graceful role of analysis in underpinning calculus is often lost to their separation in the curriculum. This book entwines the two subjects, providing a conceptual approach to multivariable calculus closely supported by the structure and reasoning of analysis. The setting is Euclidean space, with the material on differentiation culminating in the inverse and implicit function theorems, an…
This book, intended as a practical working guide for calculus students, includes 450 exercises. It is designed for undergraduate students in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or any other field where rigorous calculus is needed, and will greatly benefit anyone seeking a problem-solving approach to calculus. Each chapter starts with a summary of the main definitions and results, which is follow…