Membahas sejarah produksi dan penerimaan puisi abad pertengahan yang agung, Piers Ploughman, Lawrence Warner mengungkapkan banyak cara di mana para sarjana, editor, dan kritikus selama berabad-abad menciptakan narasi spekulatif mereka sendiri tentang puisi tersebut, yang lambat laun dianggap sebagai benar secara faktual. Warner memulai dengan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan Langland menulis roman …
This book explores the history of rhetorical thought and examines the gradual association of different aspects of rhetorical theory with two outstanding fourth-century bce writers: Lysias and Isocrates.
Its purpose is to publish works that point, in particular, to the studies of thought, in its varied expressions and its connections with realities not properly eidetic: networks, institutionality, intellectual environments, circulation of ideas, among others. It appears after years of redefinition in the South American environment, where people have been articulated that constitute the diverse …