In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden professionelle Kompetenzen von angehenden Mathematiklehrkräften untersucht, die sie zur Förderung des Mathematiklernens und zur Motivationsförderung von Schüler*innen mit Lernschwierigkeiten benötigen. Dazu werden zunächst Grundsätze der Förderung dieser Schüler*innengruppe formuliert und, unter Berücksichtigung der Forschung zu professionellen Kompet…
This open access book discusses the statistical modeling of insurance problems, a process which comprises data collection, data analysis and statistical model building to forecast insured events that may happen in the future. It presents the mathematical foundations behind these fundamental statistical concepts and how they can be applied in daily actuarial practice. Statistical modeling has…
Dieses Open-Access-Buch beschreibt die theoriebasierte Entwicklung einer semesterbegleitenden Maßnahme zur Förderung der Problemlösekompetenz von Studienanfänger:innen der Fachmathematik und des gymnasialen Lehramts, sowie die zyklische Modifikation dieser Maßnahme im Sinne der Entwicklungsforschung. Begleitend dazu wurden, mit dem Ziel, grundlegende Erkenntnisse zum studentischen Probleml…
In questo testo si introducono i concetti di base per la modellistica numerica di problemi differenziali alle derivate parziali. Si considerano le classiche equazioni lineari ellittiche, paraboliche ed iperboliche, ma anche altre equazioni, quali quelle di diffusione e trasporto, di Navier-Stokes e le leggi di conservazione; si forniscono inoltre numerosi esempi fisici che stanno alla base di t…
"Among his extraordinary mathematical and philosophical achievements, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) invented binary arithmetic, the representational basis for today's world of digital computing and communications. This book will be the first to make a selection of his writings available in English. Strickland and Lewis provide an accessible introduction to Leibniz through some twenty mo…
This textbook explains the physics of phase transformation and associated constraints from a metallurgical or materials science point of view, based on many topics including crystallography, mass transport by diffusion, thermodynamics, heat transfer and related temperature gradients, thermal deformation, and even fracture mechanics. The work presented emphasizes solidification and related analy…
Nearly a hundred years have passed since Viggo Brun invented his famous sieve, and the use of sieve methods is constantly evolving. As probability and combinatorics have penetrated the fabric of mathematical activity, sieve methods have become more versatile and sophisticated and in recent years have played a part in some of the most spectacular mathematical discoveries. Many arithmetical inves…
Degree students of mathematics are often daunted by the mass of definitions and theorems with which they must familiarize themselves. In the fields algebra and analysis this burden will now be reduced because in A Handbook of Terms they will find sufficient explanations of the terms and the symbolism that they are likely to come across in their university courses. Rather than being like an alph…
This book is concerned with the well-established mathematical technique known as Fourier analysis (or alternatively as harmonic or spectral analysis). It is a handbook comprising a collection of the most important theorems in Fourier analysis, presented without proof in a form that is accurate but also accessible to a reader who is not a specialist mathematician. The technique of Fourier analys…