Cancer screening is a prominent strategy in cancer control in the United States, yet the ability to correctly interpret cancer screening data eludes many researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. This open access primer rectifies that situation by teaching readers, in simple language and with straightforward examples, why and how the population-level cancer burden changes when screening is im…
Der Krankenhaus-Report, der jährlich als Buch und als Open-Access-Publikation erscheint, greift 2022 das Schwerpunktthema „Patientenversorgung während der Pandemie“ auf. Die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie haben auch 2021 die Diskussionen zur stationären Versorgung zentral geprägt. Im Fokus stehen weiterhin Fragen rund um die Versorgung von Erkrankten mit und ohne Covid-19 sowi…
This is an Open Access book. This book is a must-have for healthcare providers and researchers, public health specialists and policy makers who are interested and involved in cancer care in the Arab world. The Arab world consists of 22 countries, which are members of the Arab League and spanning over 13,132,327 km2 with over 423,000,000 population. Over the past few decades, the Arab world…
This Open Access book illustrates the power of stories to illuminate ethical concerns that arise in public health. It complements epidemiological or surveillance evidence, and reveals stakeholder perspectives crucial for public health practitioners to develop effective and ethical public health interventions. Because it relies on the natural and universal appeal of stories, the book also serves…
Der Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022, der sowohl als Open-Access-Publikation als auch als gedrucktes Buch erscheint, widmet sich dem Schwerpunktthema „Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung“. Dabei stehen die Qualitätssicherung und das Qualitätsmanagement in der zweiten Ausgabe des Arzneimittel-Kompass im Fokus. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren Stärken und Schwächen in der Arzneimitte…
This Open Access book provides illustrative case studies that explore various research and innovation topics that raise challenges requiring ethical reflection and careful policymaking responses. The cases highlight diverse ethical challenges and provide lessons for the various options available for policymaking. Cases are drawn from many fields, including artificial intelligence, space science…
This Open Access book provides illustrative case studies that explore various research and innovation topics that raise challenges requiring ethical reflection and careful policymaking responses. The cases highlight diverse ethical challenges and provide lessons for the various options available for policymaking. Cases are drawn from many fields, including artificial intelligence, space science…
This open access book examines why reading and math test scores for boys and girls have differed since the origins of testing in the United States. It details the pattern of differences that have remained largely unchanged for more than 100 years in the United States and worldwide. The book explores why boys have modestly larger math test score means than girls, and why girls have far larger re…
Fragen der Versorgungsqualität gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das gilt auch für die pflegerische Versorgung. Der Pflege-Report, der jährlich in Buchform und als Open-Access-Publikation erscheint, beleuchtet im Schwerpunkt 2023 die Versorgungsqualität von Langzeitgepflegten. Bereits im Jahr 2018 stand das Thema „Qualität in der Langzeitpflege“ im Fokus des Pflege-Reports. Viel ist sei…
This open access book deals with community-based attempts on the part of Aboriginal communities and groups in Australia to address harms arising from alcohol misuse. Alcohol-related harms are viewed as both a product of colonisation and dispossession and a contributor to ongoing social, economic and health-related disadvantage, both in Australia and in other countries with colonised Indigenous …