How are the structures of power and the notion of agency among Syrian women during the recent Syrian conflict connected? To explore this matter, Rand El Zein investigates gender politics around displacement, conflict, the body, and the nation. In doing so, she outstandingly reconciles critical media theory as myriad and productive with the theoretical concepts on subjectivity, power, performati…
The twenty-first century has seen LGBTQ+ rights emerge at the forefront of public discourse and national politics in ways that would once have been hard to imagine. Focusing on the small screens of Europe and North America, "Lesbians on Television" maps the contemporary shifts in lesbian visibility within popular media and, from this, extracts a figure of the new 'lesbian normal' that both he…
Wie werden in Reality TV-Formaten ausgehandelte Regeln des emotionalen Ausdrucks und deren Inszenierung auf Facebook bewertet? Welche unterschiedlichen Orientierungen in Bezug auf andere Körper entstehen dabei? Wie werden dadurch Zugehörigkeitsgefühle erzeugt oder Ausschlüsse vorgenommen? Mit dem Konzept der medialen Affektökonomie beschreibt Claudia Töpper, wie Emotionen in digitalen ver…
The twenty-first century has seen LGBTQ+ rights emerge at the forefront of public discourse and national politics in ways that would once have been hard to imagine. Focusing on the small screens of Europe and North America, "Lesbians on Television" maps the contemporary shifts in lesbian visibility within popular media and, from this, extracts a figure of the new 'lesbian normal' that both help…