From the Foreword:'John Anderson's book represents a milestone in aviation literature. For the first time aviation enthusiasts - both specialists and popular readers alike - possess an authoritative history of aerodynamic theory. Not only is this study authoritative, it is also highly readable and linked to the actual (and more familiar) story of how the airplane evolved. The book touches on al…
Images of fluids in motion have served both scientific and artistic purposes at least since the time of Leonardo de Vinci over 500 years ago. The visualization of fluid flow has played a major role in the development of fluid dynamics and its technological and scientific applications, from the evolution of flight to the tracking of weather to understanding the flow of blood. Today, the Division…
A Gallery of Combustion and Fire is the first book to provide a graphical perspective of the extremely visual phenomenon of combustion in full color. It is designed primarily to be used in parallel with, and supplement existing combustion textbooks that are usually in black and white, making it a challenge to visualize such a graphic phenomenon. Each image includes a description of how it was g…
Fluid mechanics is a branch of classical physics that has a rich tradition in applied mathematics and numerical methods. It is at work virtually everywhere, from nature to technology. This broad and fundamental coverage of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) begins with a presentation of basic numerical methods and flows into a rigorous introduction to the subject. A heavy emphasis is placed on …