Dieses Buch – eine Open-Access-Publikation mit freiem Online-Zugang – bietet Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden im öffentlichen Sektor sowie Studierenden eine ebenso kompakte wie kompetente Einführung in die wesentlichen Aspekte von Open Government. Das Konzept Open Government (offenes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln) beschreibt einen Kulturwandel von Politik und Verwaltung hin zu …
I HAVE tried to make this little volume worthy of being thought the indispensable companion of those who care to make the acquaintance of the flowers which blossom by the wayside, make gay our fields, haunt the brooks and streams, and stud alike with beauty the moorland and the mountain.
This book is a compilation of selected papers from the 10th PIANC Smart Rivers Conference (Smart Rivers 2022). The work focuses on novel techniques for inland waterways and navigation structures. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, engineers in the industry, and regulators of aviation authorities. As well, readers will encounter new ideas for realizing Green Waterw…
Urban subsurface resources and particularly urban groundwater are vulnerable to environmental impacts, and their rational management is of major importance. In this book a multidisciplinary team of specialists and scientists presents innovative process-oriented approaches to the sustainable use of these resources. The included case studies from northwestern Switzerland describe representative e…
This open access book applies a social ecological systems (SES) lens to conservation-based development in Patagonia, bringing together authors with historical, contemporary, and future-oriented perspectives in order to increase understanding of the social and environmental implications of nature-based tourism and other forms of conservation-based territorial development. By focusing on Patagoni…
This open access book is a compilation of case studies that provide useful knowledge and lessons that derive from on-the-ground activities and contribute to policy recommendations, focusing on the relevance of social-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) to ecosystem restoration. Building on the concept of SEPLS, the Satoyama Initiative promotes landscape approaches as integrat…