This heavily revised open access edition provides a thorough overview of the technologies available to assemble, manage and assess the quality of health information systems. It details a variety of scenarios in the context of both health and heath care, including where prevention and wellness are related, such as the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. Stakeholder requirements are als…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden die schriftsprachlichen Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit dualer Schriftnutzung untersucht. Von einem dualen Schriftspracherwerb spricht man, wenn Kinder oder Jugendliche mit Sehbeeinträchtigung neben der Schwarzschrift auch die Brailleschrift erlernen. Vom Erwerb eines zusätzlichen Schriftmediums profitieren insbesondere Lernende mit fortschrei…
An investigation of the logical flexibility principles needed for a formal semantic account of coordination, plurality, and scope in natural language.Since the early work of Montague, Boolean semantics and its subfield of generalized quantifier theory have become the model-theoretic foundation for the study of meaning in natural languages. This book uses this framework to develop a new semantic…
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, RAMiCS 2015, held in Braga, Portugal, in September/October 2015. The 20 revised full papers and 3 invited papers presented were carefully selected from 25 submissions. The papers deal with the theory of relation algebras and Kleene algebras, process algebras; fi…
“This volume not only brings together an impressive collection of internationally renowned scholars but also offers ambitious and far-reaching conclusions that reassess what ‘religion’ meant in the nineteenth century.” —Jo Carruthers Bringing together scholars from literary, historical, and religious studies, Constructing Nineteenth-Century Religion interrogates the seemingly obvio…
Menawarkan panduan tentang cara mengoptimalkan penanganan jaringan pra-analitik dan meningkatkan kualitas diagnostik, Membahas pentingnya waktu iskemia dingin, Mengkaji nilai pengawetan berbasis vakum dan fiksasi dua suhu. "Pra-analisis spesimen patologis dalam onkologi" mengacu pada tahap awal atau persiapan sebelum analisis spesimen patologis dalam konteks penyakit kanker atau onkologi. Ini m…
Readers seeking to gain a handle on the internet's global expansion will find this book rich in scholarly foundations combined with cutting-edge discussion of emerging ICTs and services and the complex societal contexts in which they are embedded. To explore possibilities to the fullest extent, a sociotechnical systems approach is employed, focusing on the interplay of technical, social, cultur…
This book explores the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), the creation of which was approved in the Regulation adopted by the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council on 12 October 2017. The EPPO will be an independent European prosecution office tasked with investigating and prosecuting those crimes defined in the recently adopted Regulation 2017/1371 on combating fraud against th…
This book connects seminal work in affect research and moves forward to provide a developing perspective on affect as the “decisive variable” of the mathematics classroom. In particular, the book contributes and investigates new conceptual frameworks and new methodological ‘tools’ in affect research and introduces the new field of ‘collectives’ to explore affect systems in diverse s…