Sebuah pemeriksaan, melalui narasi pribadi dan komentar reflektif, tentang kehidupan tanpa sensasi atau gerakan dalam tubuh. Dalam menulis Still Lives, Jonathan Cole ingin mengetahui tentang kehidupan di kursi roda, tanpa campur tangan yang disebutnya "hubungan dokter/pasien". Ia melakukannya dengan menanyakan kepada orang-orang dengan cedera tulang belakang pertanyaan sederhana tentang bagaima…
"A Bradford book."What is special about the face, and what happens when neurological conditions make expression or comprehension of the face unavailable? Through a mix of science, autobiography, case studies, and speculation, Jonathan Cole shows the importance not only of facial expressions for communication among individuals but also of facial embodiment for our sense of self. Drawing on work …
An examination, through personal narratives and reflective commentary, of life without sensation or movement in the body.In writing Still Lives, Jonathan Cole wanted to find out about living in a wheelchair, without having what he calls "the doctor/patient thing" intervene. He has done this by asking people with spinal cord injuries the simple question of what it is like to live without sensati…