Para kontributor volume ini meneliti berbagai isu yang diangkat oleh persimpangan teknologi komunikasi baru dan kebijakan publik di era pasca-ledakan dan pasca-kehancuran ini. Awalnya dipresentasikan pada Konferensi Riset ke-30 tentang Kebijakan Komunikasi, Informasi, dan Internet (TPRC 2002)--yang secara tradisional merupakan ajang pameran untuk penelitian akademis terbaik tentang topik ini--k…
New technologies, although developed with optimism, often fall short of their predicted potential and create new problems. Communications technologies are no different. Their utopian proponents claim that universal access to advanced communications technologies can help to feed the hungry, cure the sick, educate the illiterate, improve the global standard of living, and ultimately bring about w…
The contributors to this volume examine issues raised by the intersection of new communications technologies and public policy in this post-boom, post-bust era. Originally presented at the 30th Research Conference on Communication, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC 2002)--traditionally a showcase for the best academic research on this topic--their work combines hard data and deep analysis …