Menentang pandangan terkini dari banyak aktivis lingkungan bahwa negara berdaulat tidak dapat menyediakan tata kelola lingkungan yang efektif, The State and the Global Ecological Crisis menawarkan analisis dan studi kasus yang mengeksplorasi prospek untuk "mengembalikan negara" sebagai fasilitator perubahan lingkungan yang progresif, bukan sebagai kontributor terhadap kerusakan lingkungan. Para…
What would constitute a definitively "green" state? In this important new book, Robyn Eckersley explores what it might take to create a green democratic state as an alternative to the classical liberal democratic state, the indiscriminate growth-dependent welfare state, and the neoliberal market-focused state--seeking, she writes, "to navigate between undisciplined political imagination and pes…
Countering the current view of many environmental activists that sovereign nations cannot provide effective environmental governance, The State and the Global Ecological Crisis offers analyses and case studies that explore the prospects for "reinstating the state" as a facilitator of progressive environmental change rather than a contributor to environmental destruction. The authors recognize t…