This handbook is an ideal, up-to-date guide to the application of catheter-based interventions across the entire patient age range, from fetal life through to adulthood. Clear instruction is offered on techniques of vascular access, valve dilatation, angioplasty, stent implantation, defect closure, defect creation, pulmonary valve implantation and the hybrid approach, as well as miscellaneous o…
Tensions in South African universities have traditionally centred around equity (particularly access and affordability), historical legacies (such as apartheid and colonialism), and the shape and structure of the higher education system. What has not received sufficient attention, is the contribution of the university to place-based development. This volume is the first in South Africa to engag…
Volume ini berisi tentang kontribusi Petr Hajek. Petr HáJek bukan hanya seorang ilmuwan hebat, tetapi juga manusia yang luar biasa, dan karenanya merupakan kehormatan besar bagi saya untuk menangani buku ini. Namun, mengomentari karya ilmiahnya bukanlah pekerjaan yang mudah: meskipun kontribusi ilmiahnya sama sekali tidak terbatas pada Logika Fuzzy Matematis, produksinya di bidang ini sangat l…
This volume investigates the material production and expression of colonial experiences in Africa. It combines archaeological, historical, and ethnographic sources to explore the diverse pathways, practices, and projects constructed by Africans in their engagement with the forces of colonial modernity and capitalism. This volume is situated in ongoing debates in archaeological and anthropologic…
Seorang rekan bertanya, "Apa itu pendidikan transnasional?. "Kemudian, rekan itu tidak repot-repot menunggu jawaban, tetapi menambahkan," Sudah ada pendidikan internasional. Singkatnya, TELS adalah asosiasi profesional nirlaba yang mencakup anggota dengan identitas transnasional dan berkomitmen untuk mempelajari, merenungkan, dan menyebarkan pola praktik pendidikan, kebijakan, dan beasiswa yang…
The book addresses in a comprehensive way the full greenhouse gases budget of the Italian landscape, focusing on land use and terrestrial ecosystems. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the role of terrestrial ecosystems with regard to the carbon cycle and only recently a regional approach has been considered for its specificity in terms of new methodologies for observations an…
Montevideo, Uruguay - September 30 - October 02, 2015. The works cover a broad range in Biomedical Engineering and Computing, Medical Physics and Medical Sciences, Environment, Biology and Chemistry. The topics are: ·Bioimpedance Applications ·Bioimpedance Instrumentation ·Body and Tissue Composition ·Cell Culture and Cell Suspension ·Electrical Impedance Tomography ·Elect…
These lecture notes present a concise and introductory, yet as far as possible coherent, view of the main formalizations of quantum mechanics and of quantum field theories, their interrelations and their theoretical foundations. The “standard” formulation of quantum mechanics (involving the Hilbert space of pure states, self-adjoint operators as physical observables, and the probabilisti…
This book focuses on the theory of linear operators on non-Archimedean Banach spaces. The topics treated in this book range from a basic introduction to non-Archimedean valued fields, free non-Archimedean Banach spaces, bounded and unbounded linear operators in the non-Archimedean setting, to the spectral theory for some classes of linear operators. The theory of Fredholm operators is emphasi…