Buku panduan kritis tentang karya seniman Richard Serra. Richard Serra dianggap oleh banyak orang sebagai pematung terpenting pada periode pascaperang. Esai-esai dalam volume ini mencakup rentang lengkap karya Serra hingga saat ini--dari eksperimen pertamanya dengan bahan dan proses melalui film-film awal dan karya-karya di lokasi hingga seri "elips yang dipelintir"-nya saat ini. Ada penekanan …
A critical primer on artist Richard Serra's work.Richard Serra is considered by many to be the most important sculptor of the postwar period. The essays in this volume cover the complete span of Serra's work to date--from his first experiments with materials and processes through his early films and site works to his current series of "torqued ellipses." There is a special emphasis on those mom…