Fluiditas perairan lintas batas dengan sempurna menggambarkan tantangan kontemporer terhadap tata kelola modern. Buku ini menawarkan dukungan konseptual dan empiris untuk gagasan bahwa hubungan manusia dengan air harus melampaui definisi rasionalis tentang air sebagai produk, properti, dan komoditas. Bergantung pada konteksnya, air dapat menjadi masalah keamanan, anugerah alam, produk imajinasi…
For as long has humans have lived in communities, storytelling has bound people to each other and to their environments. In recent times, scholars have noted how social networks arise around issues of resource and ecological management. This book argues that stories, or narratives, play a key role in these networks - that environmental communities 'narrate themselves into existence'. The book p…
Many predict that by the end of the 21st century water will dominate world natural resource politics as oil does today. At present, much of the world's water is misallocated, wasted or polluted. This book argues that fairness in the allocation of water could be the cornerstone to a more secure future for mankind.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.
This book offers conceptual and empirical support for the idea that the human relationship with water must move beyond rationalist definitions of water as product, property, and commodity.OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record.