The main focus of this book is to survey the current status of research, development and use of agriculturally important microorganisms in Asian countries and develop a strategy for addressing critical issues various policy constraints due to which bio-pesticides have found limited applications. In this book the editors have tried to develop a consensus on issues of such as quality requireme…
The performance of crops in the soil largely depends on the physico-chemical components of the soil, which regulate the availability of nutrients as well as abiotic and biotic stresses. Microbes are the integral component of any agricultural soil, playing a vital role in regulating the bioavailability of nutrients, the tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses and management of seed-borneand soi…
The performance of crops in the soil largely depends on the physico-chemical components of the soil, which regulate the availability of nutrients as well as abiotic and biotic stresses. Microbes are the integral component of any agricultural soil, playing a vital role in regulating the bioavailability of nutrients, the tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses and management of seed-borneand soi…
How to achieve sustainable agricultural production without compromising environmental quality, agro-ecosystem function and biodiversity is a serious consideration in current agricultural practices. Farming systems’ growing dependency on chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, nutrients etc.) poses serious threats with regard to crop productivity, soil fertility, the nutritional value of far…
Harikesh B. Singh saat ini adalah Profesor & Kepala, Departemen Mikologi dan Patologi Tanaman di Institut Ilmu Pertanian, Universitas Hindu Banaras. Dia melayani Universitas Pertanian Negara, Universitas Pusat dan Institut CSIR dalam peran pengajaran, penelitian dan penyuluhan. Fokus penelitian utamanya adalah pada bioinnoc ulats, pengendalian hayati patogen tanaman dan nano-bioteknologi. Se…
Kinerja tanaman di tanah sangat tergantung pada komponen fisiko-kimia tanah, yang mengatur ketersediaan nutrisi serta tekanan abiotik dan biotik. Mikroba adalah komponen integral dari setiap tanah pertanian, memainkan peran penting dalam mengatur bioavailabilitas nutrisi, toleransi terhadap tekanan abiotik dan biotik dan pengelolaan penyakit tanaman yang ditularkan melalui benihdan tanah. Volum…