John Templer telah menulis analisis teoritis, historis, dan ilmiah pertama tentang salah satu elemen bangunan paling mendasar dan universal: tangga. Bersama-sama, kedua volume ini menyajikan studi terperinci tentang tangga dan landai--seni dan sains desainnya, sejarahnya, dan bahayanya. Bagi desainer dan sejarawan seni dan arsitektur, volume pertama membahas sejarah tangga yang menarik dan peng…
John Templer has written the first theoretical, historical, and scientific analysis of one of the most basic and universal building elements: the stair. Together, these two volumes present a detailed study of stairs and ramps--the art and science of their design, their history, and their hazards.For the designer and the art and architectural historian, the first volume treats the fascinating hi…
John Templer has written the first theoretical, historical, and scientific analysis of one of the most basic and universal building elements: the stair. Together, these two volumes present a detailed study of stairs and ramps--the art and science of their design, their history, and their hazards.For the designer and the art and architectural historian, the first volume treats the fascinating hi…