Diese Open-Access-Publikation diskutiert unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Messung von Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation in Unternehmen, Hochschulen und staatlichen Forschungsinstituten. In Form von Steckbriefen beschreibt sie die wichtigsten Eigenschaften und Anwendungsgebiete von über 180 Indikatoren. Dabei werden die Gebiete, aus denen die Indikatoren stammen (Publikationen, Patente usw.), …
Tobias Buchmann analyzes innovation network dynamics in the German automotive industry. The study is based on a model for analyzing the complex evolution of innovation networks and the driving mechanisms underlying network evolution derived from theoretical and empirical findings in innovation economics, economic geography and management science. The author uses established social network analy…
Tobias Buchmann analyzes innovation network dynamics in the German automotive industry. The study is based on a model for analyzing the complex evolution of innovation networks and the driving mechanisms underlying network evolution derived from theoretical and empirical findings in innovation economics, economic geography and management science. The author uses established social network analy…