Dalam The Second Self, Sherry Turkle memandang komputer bukan sebagai "alat," tetapi sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sosial dan psikologis kita; ia melihat lebih jauh dari cara kita menggunakan permainan komputer dan lembar kerja untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana komputer memengaruhi kesadaran kita terhadap diri kita sendiri, terhadap satu sama lain, dan terhadap hubungan kita dengan dunia. "Teknolo…
"For more than two decades, in such landmark studies as The Second Self and Life on the Screen, Sherry Turkle has challenged our collective imagination with her insights about how technology enters our private worlds. In The Inner History of Devices, she describes her process, an approach that reveals how what we make is woven into our ways of seeing ourselves. She brings together three traditi…
In The Second Self, Sherry Turkle looks at the computer not as a "tool," but as part of our social and psychological lives; she looks beyond how we use computer games and spreadsheets to explore how the computer affects our awareness of ourselves, of one another, and of our relationship with the world. "Technology," she writes, "catalyzes changes not only in what we do but in how we think." Fir…