Kami telah belajar banyak dari penelitian kami tentang BEP tentang personalisasi pembelajaran. Dengan risiko menawarkan analogi reduktif, kami menganggap bahwa peran guru dalam pengaturan baru ini seperti menjadi instruktur mengemudi.Saat mengajar anak muda mengemudi, Anda tidak menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di kursi pengemudi, membuat peserta didik menonton dan mendengarkan (meskipun persi…
Kami telah belajar banyak dari penelitian kami tentang BEP tentang personalisasi pembelajaran. Dengan risiko menawarkan analogi reduktif, kami menganggap bahwa peran guru dalam pengaturan baru ini seperti menjadi instruktur mengemudi.Saat mengajar anak muda mengemudi, Anda tidak menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di kursi pengemudi, membuat peserta didik menonton dan mendengarkan (meskipun persi…
Design for Micro-Combined Cooling, Heating & Power Systems? provides a manual for the technical and structural design of systems for supplying decentralised energy in residential buildings. It presents the micro-combined cooling, heating & power systems Stirling engines & renewable energy sources (mCCHP-SE-RES) systems in an accessible manner both for the public at large, and for professionals …
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these ev…
This book highlights research in flood related areas and sustainable management conducted by researchers around the world, compiling their innovative work in order to share best practices for managing floods and recommended flood solutions. The individual papers cover the fundamentals and latest advances in the areas of flood research and management, providing in-depth coverage complemented by …
Penelitian ini meneliti hubungan antara demografi responden, keterampilan manajemen pengetahuan pribadi (PKM) mereka, gaya kepemimpinan mereka dan kinerja serta ukuran organisasi mereka; ini menyelidiki sejauh mana PKM dan gaya kepemimpinan manajemen puncak menguntungkan bagi industri perawatan kesehatan. Kuesioner survei dibagikan kepada 1.000 manajer puncak rumah sakit di Thailand, dan tangga…
Setiap pengulangan konflik budaya kuno antara masa lalu dan masa kini menyiratkan kronosentrisme deiktik yang praktis tidak dapat dihilangkan dan intrinsik, dipahami sebagai absolutisme egosentris pada zamannya, seolah-olah itu adalah satu-satunya di mana nilai-nilai berubah, dan seolah-olah tidak ada yang lain.transformasi zaman terjadi, hidup kurang lebih seperti itu, jika bukan sebagai "muta…
This book explores why Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) are not necessarily accurate or efficient tools for valuation and decision-making. The author specifically addresses the biases and framing effects inherent in the NPV/MIRR/IRR model and in related approaches such as Adjusted Present Value (APV), Net Future Value (NFV), and by extension, Polynomials. In d…
This book focuses on international relations in the Indian Ocean region and examines bilateral and multilateral relations in the Indo-Pacific region. Written by leading researchers in the fields of international studies and Indian Ocean studies, the report provides a strategic review, major events and related data in this region. It is divided into three major parts: the General Report examines…
The Annual Report objectively reflects the year’s developments in terms of politics, the economy, society, culture, the environment, innovation and reform, and describes the problems, challenges and countermeasures in both traditional and new special economic zones. It provides an analysis of China’s special economic zones, including a review of the year’s developments in the form of expe…