Dieser Open-Access-Sammelband stellt Perspektiven auf digitalen MINT-Unterricht und die Lehrkräftebildung der Zukunft dar. Auf Grundlage aktueller Forschungsergebnisse beantwortet er aktuelle Fragestellungen, etwa: Welche Kompetenzen und welche Lerninhalte werden für die Herausforderungen von morgen benötigt und welchen Beitrag können die MINT-Fächer dazu leisten? Inwiefern kann die Digita…
This book is about the ways in which experiments can be employed in the context of research on learning technologies and child–computer interaction (CCI). It is directed at researchers, supporting them to employ experimental studies while increasing their quality and rigor. The book provides a complete and comprehensive description on how to design, implement, and report experiments, with a f…
Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit ist eine neue, mediale Thematisierung sexueller Gewalt durch pädagogische Fachkräfte seit 2010. Dieser wird zu Beginn der Arbeit als Gegenstand seine ambivalenten Folgen dargestellt. Zum einen entwickelte sich ein großes Potential für Prävention, Intervention und längst überfällige Aufarbeitung. Zum anderen kommt es zu einem gesellschaftlichen Generalverdacht ge…
In this book, Dieter Lenzen analyzes the world's three major educational systems: the Continental-European, the Atlantic (Anglo-American) and the East Asian. Distancing himself from the current trend towards the economically driven Anglo-American system of education, the author proposes an alternative model, "a university of the world". Contents: · Three concepts of the universit…
This book examines some theoretical and empirical aspects about complexities of inclusion, disability and culture. It challenges the globalized technical and reductionist approach of inclusion and argues that concepts of disability and inclusion are culturally constructed. Disability and inclusion are concepts which do not define a global agenda, in the sense that one size fits all. Rather they…
In this important book, Nicholas Hartlep and Daniel Scott’s detailed analyses on both visual and historical representations of Asian Americans in textbooks and teacher manuals used in our elementary and secondary schools poignantly tell us that generations of children are growing up being fed this single story about Asian Americans. As Hartlep and Scott write. Asian Americans have once aga…
In this book the editors have been able to provide a snapshot of current research being undertaken in the Asia-Pacific region in regards to teacher self-efficacy beliefs. This includes specific focuses on inclusive teaching, professionalism, subject domains, collective efficacy as well as specific contexts of early childhood education and care, primary schools education, special needs schools a…
This book brings together interviews with twenty-one artist-teachers from different parts of the world, offering many insights into their identities, challenges and creative and pedagogic practices they have adopted. Based in a range of educational situations—from compulsory to post-secondary education, art schools, departments of art education and community-based environments—these educato…
How can art act as an intercultural mediator for dialogue? In order to scrutinize this question, relevant theoretical ideas are discussed and artistic intervention projects examined so as to highlight its cultural, political, economic, social, and transformational impacts. This thought-provoking work reveals why art is needed to help multicultural neighbourhoods and societies be sustainable, as…