This book presents a comprehensive overview of new and emerging nanotechnologies. It includes aspects of nanoparticle monitoring, toxicity, and public perception, and covers applications that address both crop growing and treatment of agricultural wastewater. Topics include nanoagrochemicals (nanofertilizers, -pesticides, -herbicides), nanobiosensors, and nanotechnologies for food processing, p…
This book sheds new light on the use of nanoparticles in the fields of parasitology and public and animal health. Nanotechnology has been used in many fields of research and in practical applications. A special subgroup is represented by the so-called nanobiotechnology, which is a multidisciplinary integration of biotechnology, nanotechnology, chemical processing, material science and engine…
This book gives a comprehensive overview of electrochemical-based biosensors and their crucial components. Practical examples are given throughout the text to illustrate how the performance of electrochemical-based biosensors can be improved by nanoscale surface modification and how an optimal design can be achieved. All essential aspects of biosensors are considered, including electrode functi…
This book is the first of its kind to offer a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the use of nanoscale materials for biomedical applications, with a particular focus on drug delivery, theragnosis and tissue regeneration. It also describes in detail the methods used in the preparation of nanoparticles. Response of nanoparticles in biological systems are also explored. Nanotechnology ha…
This book provides a comprehensive review of established, cutting-edge, and future trends in the exponentially growing field of nanomaterials and their applications in biosensors and bioanalyses. Part I focuses on the key principles and transduction approaches, reviewing the timeline featuring the important historical milestones in the development and application of nanomaterials in biosensors …
This edited book has been designed to serve as a natural resources engineering reference book as well as a supplemental textbook. This volume is part of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series, an incredible collection of methodologies that study the effects of pollution and waste in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid. It complements two other books in the series including…
This book covers the latest research work done in the area of interface mechanics of collagen and chitin-based biomaterials along with various techniques that can be used to understand mechanics of biological systems and materials. Topics covered include Raman spectroscopy of biological systems, scale dependence of the mechanical properties and microstructure of crustaceans thin films as biomim…
This consolidated reference book addresses the various aspects of nano biomaterials used in ophthalmic drug delivery, including their characterization, interactions with ophthalmic system and applications in treatments of the ophthalmic diseases and disorders. In the last decade, a significant growth in polymer sciences, nanotechnology and biotechnology has resulted in the development of new na…
This textbook teaches advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students in Engineering and Applied Sciences to gather and analyze empirical observations (data) in order to aid in making design decisions. While science is about discovery, the primary paradigm of engineering and "applied science" is design. Scientists are in the discovery business and want, in general, to understand the …
This book describes the strategy used for sequencing, assembling and annotating the tomato genome and presents the main characteristics of this sequence with a special focus on repeated sequences and the ancestral polyploidy events. It also includes the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a major crop plant as well as a model for fruit development, and the av…