"Der Reichshofrat übte gemeinsam mit dem Reichskammergericht im Namen des Kaisers die Höchstgerichtsbarkeit im Heiligen Römischen Reich aus. Er fungierte darüber hinaus als oberster Lehnshof, als Beratungsgremium des Reichsoberhaupts und als Administrationsorgan der kaiserlichen Reservatrechte in Standeserhebungs- und Privilegienangelegenheiten. Das archivalische Erbe des Reichshofrats w…
Today, translational neuroscience faces significant challenges. Available therapies to treat brain and nervous system disorders are extremely limited and dated, and further development has effectively ceased. Disinvestment by the private sector occurred just as promising new technologies in genomics, stem cell biology, and neuroscience emerged to offer new possibilities. In this volume, experts…
The real story of how our brains and nervous systems change throughout our lifetimes -- with or without ""brain training."""Fifty years ago, neuroscientists thought that a mature brain was fixed like a fly in amber, unable to change. Today, we know that our brains and nervous systems change throughout our lifetimes. This concept of neuroplasticity has captured the imagination of a public eager …
"The human brain is often described as the most complex object in the universe. Tens of billions of nerve cells-tiny tree-like structures--make up a massive network with enormous computational power. In this book, Giorgio Ascoli reveals another aspect of the human brain: the stunning beauty of its cellular form. Doing so, he makes a provocative claim about the mind-brain relationship. If each n…
"Adults who want to learn a foreign language are often discouraged because they believe they cannot acquire a language as easily as children. Once they begin to learn a language, adults may be further discouraged when they find the methods used to teach children don't seem to work for them. What is an adult language learner to do? In this book, Richard Roberts and Roger Kreuz draw on insights f…
Esai tentang teori dan praktik keuangan dan kebijakan publik. Enam belas esai dalam buku ini ditulis untuk merayakan ulang tahun kesembilan puluh Richard Musgrave dan untuk memperingati ulang tahun kesepuluh CES, Pusat Studi Ekonomi di Universitas Munich. Musgrave dianggap sebagai bapak pendiri ekonomi publik modern. Ia termasuk dalam tradisi intelektual yang memandang pemerintah sebagai instru…
Sebagian besar aplikasi praktis jaringan Neural Networks didasarkan pada model komputasi yang melibatkan penyebaran variabel kontinu dari satu unit pemrosesan ke unit pemrosesan berikutnya. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, data dari eksperimen neurobiologis telah memperjelas bahwa jaringan saraf biologis, yang berkomunikasi melalui pulsa, menggunakan pengaturan waktu pulsa untuk mengirimkan infor…
This open access book examines how different economic systems impacted the development of East Germany and Poland. Through comparing these countries while they were centrally planned socialist economies with the periods when they transitioned to capitalism, the inability of socialist economies to modernize effectively and produce sustained economic growth is highlighted. Particular attention is…
Saran terperinci dan praktis tentang cara merekrut penasihat keuangan. Mempekerjakan bantuan keuangan adalah tugas yang banyak dilakukan orang yang cerdas dengan cara yang salah, memilih untuk mengandalkan rekomendasi dari keluarga dan teman, pertemuan kebetulan, atau iklan daripada melakukan riset yang matang. Dalam prosa yang menarik dan mudah dipahami, kolumnis sindikasi nasional Charles A. …
Stylianos Papathanassopoulos is a Professor of Media Organization and Policy at the Department of Communication and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece. Between 2007 and 2011 he was the head of the faculty and member of the Board of the Hellenic Audiovisual Institute. Further, he is a Visiting Professor at City University, London, United Kingdom. Previou…