This open access book explores how policy makers draw on national, regional and international expertise in issuing school reform within five Nordic countries. In an era of international comparison, policy makers are expected to review best practices, learn from experiences from elsewhere, and apply international standards propelled by international organizations. Do they do so? What counts, fo…
This open access book analyzes language education through a socio-material framework. The authors revisit their position as researchers by decentering themselves and humans in general from the main focus of research activities and giving way to the materialities that are agentive but often overlooked parts of our research contexts and processes. Through this critical posthumanist realism, they …
Mit Blick auf die berufliche Orientierung Jugendlicher bietet dieses Open-Access-Buch eine systematische, theoriegeleitete und empirische Analyse heterogener Unterstützungsbedarfe und ihrer vielfältigen Ursachen. Die Bedeutung regelmäßiger Bedarfs- und Entwicklungsdiagnostik sowie einer systematischen Verzahnung einzelner Elemente beruflicher Orientierung im schulischen Kontext wird eindruc…
This book is about the ways in which experiments can be employed in the context of research on learning technologies and child–computer interaction (CCI). It is directed at researchers, supporting them to employ experimental studies while increasing their quality and rigor. The book provides a complete and comprehensive description on how to design, implement, and report experiments, with a f…
In diesem Open-Access-Buch werden die folgenden Fragen untersucht: Was bedeutet Bildungsmonitoring in der Schweiz? Welche Erwartungen und Zielsetzungen werden damit verbunden, welche Instrumente etabliert, welche Produkte vorgelegt? Das Buch zeigt, wie und durch welche Akteure mit welchen Interessen die Dauerbeobachtung der Bildungssysteme in den letzten 30 Jahren maßgeblich umgebaut wurde. Bi…
This open access book examines the political structures and processes that frame and produce understandings of diversity in and through music education. Recent surges in nationalist, fundamentalist, protectionist and separatist tendencies highlight the imperative for music education to extend beyond nominal policy agendas or wholly celebratory diversity discourses. Bringing together high-level …
In dieser Open-Access-Publikation wird auf Basis eines interdisziplinären Diskurses aus Bildungswissenschaften, Informatik und Architektur die Frage erörtert, ob und wie das „Internet der Dinge“ auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse in Form von intelligenten und hybriden Lernräumen angewendet werden kann, um das lebenslange Lernen am Arbeitsplatz zu unterstützen. Im Ergebnis kann festgestellt werd…
This open access book includes a series of relevant policy research articles, elaborared in the framework of the “Quality in higher education: internationalisation and databases to enhance the Romanian education system” project, implemented by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), together with the Ministry of Education. The proj…
This open access book presents an in-depth analysis of data from ICCS. An international group of scholars critically address the state of civic and citizenship education in the four Nordic countries that participated in the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) in 2009 and 2016. The findings are of particular relevance to educators at all levels, from school education t…
This open access book offers an overview of theories related to simulation and describes different simulation areas within nursing. It illustrates how simulation may be used in different levels in professional education. The book deals with the role of the Simulation Facilitator, peer learning and the use of Virtual Reality in simulation. It provides new insights and paths to the development of…