Penyakit manusia telah menjadi masalah yang paling memprihatinkan sejak dimulainya penelitian ilmiah. Baik penelitian dasar maupun penelitian terapan, semuanya bertujuan untuk memenuhi satu keingintahuan manusia, yaitu pencapaian hidup sehat dan bebas penyakit. Memang benar, kita berada di era di mana banyak penyakit yang dianggap mematikan sudah tidak ada lagi, namun kita masih harus menempuh …
This book covers the origins and subsequent history of research results in which attempts have been made to clarify issues related to cellular ageing, senescence, and age-related pathologies including cancer. Cellular Ageing and Replicative Senescence revisits more than fifty-five years of research based on the discovery that cultured normal cells are mortal and the interpretation that this phe…
The book considers signaling events from the zygote embryo through to the blastocyst with relevant data from embryonic stem (ES) cells, including dialogue with the extracellular environment and with the maternal tract during the implantation process. Application of the knowledge described to improve the success of human and animal assisted conception is considered where appropriate, but the foc…
This invaluable resource discusses clinical applications with effects and side-effects of applications of stem cells in bone and cartilage regeneration. Each chapter is contributed by a pre-eminent scientist in the field and covers such topics as skeletal regeneration by mesenchymal stem cells, clinical improvement of mesenchymal stem cell injection in injured cartilage and osteoarthritis, Good…
Fungi produce many chemically diverse secondary metabolites whose biological roles largely remain elusive. Within the increasing number of sequenced fungal genomes several important genes involved in secondary metabolite formation have been identified. Most of these genes are clustered and their coordinated transcription is controlled in a complex way by both narrow pathway-specific regulators …
This comprehensive volume explores functions, pathologies, and applications of stem cells in relation to the niches in which they develop. Ten chapters cover the subject in depth, from a historical perspective through signaling, hormonal control, quiescence, biomimetics, epigenetics, engineering strategies for emulating, tumorigenesis and more. The chapter authors represent a broad range of int…
This book summarizes the most recent progress in the studies of lipid mediators from the molecular to clinical level and introduces newly created tools for analysis including imaging mass spectrometry. Comprising 29 chapters divided into four major parts, the book describes the molecular natures of enzymes, transporters, and receptors for lipid mediators (Part I), the function of lipid mediator…