This is the second volume in a 2-volume compendium that is the go-to source for both research- and practice-oriented information on the importance of branched chain amino acids in maintaining the nutritional status and overall health of individuals, especially those with certain disease conditions. Over 150 well recognized and respected contributors have come together to compile these up-to-da…
This is the first volume in a 2-volume compendium that is the go-to source for both research- and practice-oriented information on the importance of branched chain amino acids in maintaining the nutritional status and overall health of individuals, especially those with certain disease conditions. Over 150 well recognized and respected contributors have come together to compile these up-to-date…
Sistem pangan kita telah berjalan dengan baik di masa lalu, tetapi sistem tersebut mengecewakan kita dalam menghadapi perubahan iklim dan tantangan lainnya. Buku ini bercerita tentang mengapa transformasi sistem pangan diperlukan, bagaimana hal itu dapat dicapai, dan bagaimana penelitian dapat menjadi katalisator perubahan. Ditulis oleh tim peneliti interdisipliner global, buku ini menyatukan p…
This book offers insights into the governance of contemporary food systems and their ongoing transformation by social movements.