Questo eserciziario nasce dalla raccolta di problemi d'esame assegnati agli studenti del corso di Struttura della Materia, che si colloca al confine fra il Corso Triennale e quello Magistrale. Alla fine di ciascun capitolo si trova un riepilogo ragionato di formule utili, e l’ultima parte del volume è dedicata alle unità di misura, alle formule di Meccanica Quantistica e alle tecniche per m…
The SpringerBriefs on Atmospheric and Space Sciences in two volumes presents a concise and interdisciplinary introduction to the basic theory, observation & modeling of atmospheric and ionospheric coupling processes on Earth. The goal is to contribute toward bridging the gap between meteorology, aeronomy, and planetary science. In addition recent progress in several related research topics, suc…
This textbook aims to be a one stop shop for those interested in aerosols and their impact on the climate system. It starts with some fundamentals on atmospheric aerosols, atmospheric radiation and cloud physics, then goes into techniques used for in-situ and remote sensing measurements of aerosols, data assimilation, and discusses aerosol-radiation interactions, aerosol-cloud interactions and …
The zeta Aurigae stars are the rare but illustrious sub-group of binary stars that undergo the dramatic phenomenon of "chromospheric eclipse". This book provides detailed descriptions of the ten known systems, illustrates them richly with examples of new spectra, and places them in the context of stellar structure and evolution. Comprised of a large cool giant plus a small hot dwarf, these k…
First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the influence that Helmut Friedrich had in the development of my understanding of the theory of the conformal Einstein field equations. He has been an inexhaustible source of knowledge and insights. I also would like to acknowledge the role that Robert Beig, Sergio Dain and Malcolm MacCallum have played in shaping complementary perspectives on t…
Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertifi cation, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fl uxes in terrestrial ecosystems, also known as the Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL), is the second Special Report to be produced in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Cycle …
In contemporary field theory, the word classical is reserved for an analytical framework in which the local equations of motion provide a complete description of the evolution of the fields. Classical field theory is a differential expression of change in functions of space and time, which summarizes the state of a physical system entirely in terms of smooth fields.
This volume opens a door into the rich history of animals in China. As environmental historians turn their attention to expanded chronologies of natural change, something new can be said about human history through animals and about the globally diverse cultural and historical dynamics that have led to perceptions of animals as wild or cultures as civilized.
Introducing foundational concepts in infinite-dimensional differential geometry beyond Banach manifolds, this text is based on Bastiani calculus. It focuses on two main areas of infinite-dimensional geometry: infinite-dimensional Lie groups and weak Riemannian geometry, exploring their connections to manifolds of (smooth) mappings.
Uniting the usually distinct areas of particle physics and quantum field theory, gravity and general relativity, this expansive and comprehensive textbook of fundamental and theoretical physics describes the quest to consolidate the basic building blocks of nature, by journeying through contemporary discoveries in the field, and analyzing elementary particles and their interactions.